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June 17th 2008
Published: June 17th 2008
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There's no place like home...... There's no place like home!

Well I have been in the states for 5 weeks now it has gone quick. I hope you are missing me just a little bit if not a lot. I am feeling a little homesick not enough to want to come home I still have things to do, places to go and people to see. One reason is Portland is kinda similar to Manchester. Its a big difference to Vegas and the dessert a lot more green for a start. There is a nice chilled feeling to the city.
One thing i have noticed is their is a lot of Punks and Crusties like Manchester in the mid 90's a lot of them begging or busking.
I have mainly walked around Portland today searched out somewhere to get more cold remedies as i cant shake it off. I ended up in a whole foods shop which is a cool place where they have lots of vegetables and fruit some nice looking salads and sandwiches. I imagine its what that hippy place in Chorlton would be like if it sold good food instead of food without fun. I asked this hot punk looking girl with nice tattoo's what remedies would be good. I had to buy some lip balm as well as Vegas had dried them out beyond belief. I think its the first time i have ever bought lip balm.
I also finished the Dave Gorman book so i bought a Chuck Palahniuk book called Rant i like his books but they are a bit extreme.
Tomorrow Im going to Seattle to hang out with Chris from Champion which will be cool Im looking forward to it. This will help me in my homesickness as I will be hanging out with someone I know. After that I am going to Vancouver for 4 days.


17th June 2008

Portland is the Best!
I grew up in Portland and it's one of the best places along the west coast. If it is like Manchester, I would much rather go there than London! Hope you're having a good time out there and get well soon! :)

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