Preparing to leave

Published: May 9th 2008
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Ok, so here's my first travel blog entry, I'm excited to keep everyone updated on my happenins'. Andy and I leave for Peru on the 13th, out of DC. It's still up in the air as to how exactly we're going to get to DC from Raleigh, as it turns out our two main prospects got internships and have to work. at their fancy new jobs. Rideshare on Craigslist has turned out to be a disapointment, apparently not many people are looking to give two college students a ride to DC from Raleigh. It's beginning to look like we are going to have to shell out 50 bucks to ride Greyhound up to DC. From there We are going to have to wait about a day, so we can fly out on the 13th to Lima, Peru.


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