Day 3 - Washington D.C - Fayetteville

Published: January 22nd 2011
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Another early start saw us load up and leave DC behind and head to Fayetteville, North Carolina. This was where we first experienced the 'wonder' that is WalMart, as we began stocking up the food. Group A, which consisted of me, Graham, Sarah and Sumi, were the first to cook for the group, so we headed to get our ingrediants, whilst everyone else helped with the stocking up for breakfast and dinner and then stocking up on supplies of their own. The stop off took longer than it should, but I did make sure I got me a pair of flip flops, and some cold sore cream for one thats appeared this morning.

Back on the road, we eeventually stopped off for lunch in a town called Stoney Creek. It had one of those huge sky scraping water towers that all these towns seem to have. It also had a big field off the highway with a roofed picnic area in the middle and a set of exercise points scattered around the edge of the field. Jess did very well to demonstrate each one to us, whilst Todd, Graham, Neal and myself tried to demonstrate how to throw and catch a NFL ball, but failed miserably. The only thing I was able to accomplish was getting a really itchy back from rolling around on the grass shirtless!

After lunch we hit the road again, before stopping off an hour later at a place that can only be described as a discount version of WalMart, JR's. The place seemed to have everything, even an all year round Christmas section. All I bought though was a new pair of shades to add to my collection.

When we finally hit the next campsite, a KOA (which are awesome!), some of us headed straight for the pool after setting up our tents. We had a few races, which Scott seemed to win every time. We also met a fellow 'traveller'. She was staying with her 3rd husband and her dog. All she does is headed around the country and stay in their RV. She couldn't get enough of us, especially us Brits, so much so, that she insisted I remind her how our National Anthem went. Now normally I'm a proud Englishman and sing it with pride, but at that moment i couldn't seem to remember it!

After dinner, our pasta, sweetcorn and sausage meatballs (which was delicious!), the fun started. The beers were flowing and the laughter was present, as myself, Zoe, Todd, Graham and some others played some card games, especially one that Graham calls 'Egyptian Rat Screw'. It was a fun night, but the tiredness took its toll as we all soon went to bed.


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