Flight day

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December 27th 2009
Published: December 27th 2009
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Well I am still doing a bit of last minute packing. Getting a little ancy and can't wait to leave. I figured I would post my itinerary for anyone that is interested on seeing where I will be and when.

Dec 27th - Travel Day
Dec 28th - Flight lands in Dresden then we take a train to Prague
Dec 29th - Prague
Dec 30th - Pilzen
Dec 31st - Prague
Jan 1st - Brno
Jan 2nd - Vienna
Jan 3rd - Vienna
Jan 4th - Vienna
Jan 5th - Budapest
Jan 6th - Budapest
Jan 7th - Budapest
Jan 8th - Venice
Jan 9th - 12th is basically going to be an open travel day, we will either be in Italy, Switzerland, Germany, or Austria.
Jan 13th - back in Dresden
Jan 14th - Flight home

Feel free to email me at any time if you need anything. Hopefully I will be able to check email often, or you can always facebook me. Email : cwbeaver06@yahoo.com


Tot: 0.108s; Tpl: 0.016s; cc: 10; qc: 49; dbt: 0.0382s; 1; m:domysql w:travelblog (; sld: 1; ; mem: 1.1mb