Last Day in the States

Published: June 5th 2007
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The last few weeks have been rather hectic, what with me traveling around for vacations, moving out of my apartment, and finishing off the last things I need to take care of before heading out to Japan. Tomorrow I fly out to begin my adventures abroad. I have to admit that I'm getting a little nervous. I know that I'll be okay, but I always get nervous about flying, and not because I'm afraid of flying persay, but because I'm dislike airports. They always manage to mess things up. They create stress. The flight itself is relaxing, compared to the airport.
I'm just about finished packing up my apartment to move out, but I'll wait until I'm back from Japan to do the final touches, such as cleaning and vacuuming. For now I'm just going to concentrate on making sure I have everything I need packed up, so I can get to the airport on time tomorrow.
I guess that's about it, for now. I will surely be updating this journal regularly once I've safely arrived in Japan and moved in with my homestay family.


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