Git er Done

Published: March 19th 2012
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Rise and Shine. Day 3 of the road trip upon us... which means another 7 hours and 59 minutes on the road before getting home. BUT to make the most of the trip, we decided we'd at least have try to see a little bit more of downtown Asheville. Having experienced the wonderful hot breakfast that Hampton Inn served yesterday, we decided to head back to the fancy McDonalds for breakfast. Hopefully the water break has been fixed and we could go in. Thankfully it was. McD was very elegant. There was a baby grand in the corner, a fireplace in the middle and leather seats. Same low cost though. Now we can say we've been.

After breakfast, we went to city center downtown Asheville. We found parking on the street. The parking meters were a little odd. You had 1 meter for two cars. So you had to hit the button first to choose right or left and then you deposit your coins. Kinda neat. 15 minutes for $0.25. We walked thru the Grove Arcade. It's one of the last remaining arcades in the country. It was filled with lots of local boutique shops. Not much for us to see, but cute. We walked into this "torpedo factory"-ish store that had local arts and crafts that were on display and for sale. I bought what I thought was a jewlery dish, but when I went to pay for it, the cashier said.. O what a nice butter dish... hum... I guess that's what it is, but I think I"ll use it as a jewlery dish anyways.

We hit the road for home around noonish. Where we were in Asheville took us on a path different than the one we took down (95S, 40W). We ended up going on 11, 81N and 95N. This took us thru North Carolina, Tenneesee and Southern VA. We stopped by Subway eat fresh for lunch and then happened across Bristol Motor Speedway - home of the NASCAR Winston Cup. The speedway was in a town that was very flat and nothing much to it and then BAM, you see this huge stadium like structure. I don't think there were any races happening that day, but there were lots of RVs parked to the side... not sure if they were tailgaters or pit crew living quarters.

We drove past Tech and kept driving until the GPS lead us to 64 and some back roads towards Charlottesville. We were going to keep on 81N, but decided that 81 took us way up and then curved us back along on 66 to head E. So 64 seemed more direct... except it ended up being two lane country roads. It was a nice change of scenery though.. but we got to see chickens on the side of the road and drove thru Louisa county and almost made it to Mineral... the epicenter of the earthquake. We had to turn onto Constituition Highway before you actually reached Mineral. O and contrary to what Mary might say... constitution highway is not the highway in which they paraded the constitution... which was signed in PA.

We stopped for dinner at Logan's in Fredericksburg and then made it home around 9:00ish. Not bad at all. All in all, good trip was had. Good eats, good company... what every road trip should be.


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