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August 8th 2012
Published: August 8th 2012
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Flo's Brother ArrivedFlo's Brother ArrivedFlo's Brother Arrived

Insurance man checking our RV
Still Here. I hope I am not boring you with all this manusha. We are all packed and ready to go but we aren't going until tomorrow. Thus, I am using this time to relate our latest happenings (preparation practice for the Big Trip). The insurance adjuster is here. He seems very helpful and will work directly with Tiffin (our RV maker in Red Bay). He said he can generate the repair check today right from his car. Ah, the wonders of technology. If only our damage could be fixed as quickly. Once he leaves, Cory has all the patching materials ready to slap on the old rig. The adjuster suggested drilling holes in the RV (ouch!!!) and securing a piece of metal across the side. That seems extreme to us. Cory is going to do his famous bungee work instead. Hopefully we won't leave a trail of broken RV pieces along the way. Onward we go.....

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Waiting to begin his patch job

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