Countdown --- kind of

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August 7th 2012
Published: August 7th 2012
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Plan is to depart tomorrow -- maybe. The insurance adjuster is coming then. It all depends on what time he shows up. If it is too late in the day, departure will be on Thursday (9th). Red Bay knows we are coming with our injured RV. It is a first come, first serve basis for "camping" on their airplane runway strip a.k.a parking lot. Looks like rain in that area so Cory will have to use good stickum with the duck tape he'll use on our patch job. One thing I am looking forward to in Red Bay is SWAMP JOHN'S. It is a little, OLD, gas station that went out of business many years ago. The owner spent @ $28.00 to remodel it and make it into a restaurant. It is very quaint to say the least. You don't have to wear your Sunday Best to it. The painted murals on the wall could have been done by Sasquatch. My photo with this blog is a picture of the person who was driving our RV when our mishap happened - Cory is hoping you will believe that anyway. This blog site is proving to be a real pain to get onto after the invite has been sent out. Congratulations to all of you who are reading this -- a job well done on your part!!


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