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September 2nd 2014
Published: September 2nd 2014
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A day full of pleasant surprises I'm glad to say. Journey to Heathrow exactly 2 hours as planned. Missed Phil and Nick as their San Fran flight was from T2 and we were in T3. A tricky moment at check-in as computer didn't recognise me for about 10 mins then the supervisor pushed a few buttons and we allowed thru. They had us sitting in different rows so we asked 'special arrangements' if we could sit together as it was our annivesary, they then found 2 seats up stairs and a couple of glasses of Champers.

Flight was faultless then subway to Penn Station for our AirBnB accom. Fantastic 6th floor apartment overlooking 8th Avenue. The roof terrace has views of both Empire State and the new World Trade Centre building. We are at the back of Madison Square Gardens and can't wait to commence sight seeing in the morning - its 3am now so time for beddybow.


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