Some more news :-)

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January 20th 2009
Published: January 20th 2009
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Hello again!
Good morning all, its just after 9 here in the US and we are shortly to head out for the day. Planning to go to the Guggenheim and the Empire state today. Theres a great atmosphere around as Obama is signing in today, may head down to Times Square later as no doubt something will be happening!
Since our last blog we have seen yet more famous art (Warhol, Vermeer, more Monet, Picasso etc etc). The Museum of Modern Art is a really interesting building, with some strange installations- we especially enjoyed the giant round sofa and relaxation screens.....! (we didnt need any persuasion to take our shoes off)
Been to Macys (enjoyed the food court), Ellis (gorgeous buildings) and Liberty (153 steps) islands, The Frick collection (amazing building and his home preserved how it was all those years ago) , Fifth avenue (seen the Big Piano from 'Big'!), its all been fantastic. We also got last minute tickets for a little broadway show last night, called 'The Marvellous Wonderettes'- its a 50s musical, very good natured, funny and the five actresses who made up the cast all had fantastic voices. Went to the cinema too and saw Benjamin Button (really beautiful but so so sad!)
Its snowy here but its beautiful walking through Central Park, we even saw a red-tailed Hawk flying around above a horse-drawn carriage!
Seen so many famous sights now but still so much of New York we havent been round. Went past Ground Zero yesterday and its great to see all the bustle of a building sight as theyve started the foundations of the next World Trade Centre.
Hopefully try and write again later and maybe try and add some pictures (after all weve already taken far too many!)
Hope all is well in little old blighty,
Love Iz and Kt

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24th January 2009

Comment from Mum B.
As no one else has added a comment I will; it all looks amazing and you sound to have had a ball for the first week of the trip. I am very jealous. I want some New York Cheesecake!! And now I am jealous that you have sunshine and warmth in N.Z. Please send some over the the UK HAve fun and don't forget the suncream, sun hats and sun glasses!! Love and hugs Mum x x x

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