Less than two days!

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June 21st 2007
Published: June 21st 2007
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Alrighty... so I leave for the airport at noon on Saturday June 23rd... it's almost midnight on June 21st.... about a day and a half until my journey begins.
I can't believe we are finally leaving! It's been a great year preparing for this trip. We've got a great story to present to the kids, a great group of people going over there to try and help the children of Bosnia realize that despite all of our differences we can all get along and be friends!
I am not looking forward to our journey to sarajevo, however. We will be flying from JFK to Brussels... then to Zagreb (Croatia)... then DRIVING to Sarajevo... it will be over 24 hours of traveling... whew! But it will be totally worth it!

It seems that I will be staying with the same host family in Sarajevo that I stayed with last year. I am really excited. My host mother reminds me of my grandmother and her house smells like my grandmother's. I love it! Plus I will hopefully see her granddaughter again who was so adorable!!! I bought my host family two mugs from TCNJ ... it's not much but it is a piece of me. Last year I bought them some things from Lucy the Elephant in Margate such as a suncatcher and some stationary. Haha... a little piece of me!

I am so excited to see Jasmin, my Bosnian "fiance" and one of our trip interpreters. He will be meeting us at the airport in Zagreb. I am just so so excited to finally see him after almost a year. We have become really great friends and talk almost daily online. He translated a list of phrases for me and I have made them into flash cards because I am determined to learn so much more of the language this year than I did last year.

Oh wow... I don't even know what to write... I am mostly done packing... just a few small things left. I have packed much smaller than last year. Last year I took the HUGE piece of my three piece luggage set. This year I'm taking the medium sized one. I should be set... ;-)

Alright... well I'm off for the evening (I'm going to go make a pair of earrings for Jasmin's mom) Goodnight and I will update soon (most likely from SARAJEVO!)



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