Travel to Europe Begins!

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November 27th 2010
Published: November 27th 2010
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Saturday, November 27, 2010


Today began with an early rise of 6:45 where I quickly hopped out of bed to turn up the heat. Austin was a brisk 20 something degrees which is fitting considering where I am going is brutally cold. It could not be a more perfect day to fly, blue skies and not very windy to start. Final packing and a cup of coffee and out the door by 8AM. Saying goodbye to the babies was hard, and I hope they don’t forget who I am or that I am not coming home….that part makes me sad, but I know they are in good hands. Jon was a sweetheart and dropped me off and we hugged goodbye as well….now the journey begins.


Just landed in Newark….wow was that a turbulent landing! Now starts my 6 hour delay before heading to Glasgow! I had a productive flight, my laptop battery was dead so I couldn’t watch dvd’s or work……so I started writing Christmas Cards! I apologize if you get one where the bull moose sitting in front of me pushed his seat back into my lap and made my pen jerk! I think this is the first year I actually wrote something thoughtful rather than just saying “Merry Christmas” and sign my name. I also had time to start listening to the Ipod Jon made me….I have some amazing music to listen to and be inspired by over the next several weeks. He also took time to write a little something about each album and what it meant to him….how sweet! Sorry Jon if you are reading this…had to tell how sweet that was and how much time it took you to do it. So, now I am off to the currency exchange to get some money and then to buy a couple of adapters for my lap top and phone My first Europe purchases….how exciting! Next entry will be when I get to Glasgow! flight leaves Newark 7:45 PM and lands in Glasgow at 7:30 AM Sunday! Night night my sweet friends and family.


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