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April 11th 2006
Published: April 11th 2006
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Anyone for rumAnyone for rumAnyone for rum

This girl walked around the bar of the club and poured rum down your mouth
Had another great weekend in Vegas but i'm sure its probably hard not to have a great time in Vegas. Its one of my new favourite cities but not one you can spend too much time at- it can be really expensive and sleep tends to get pushed really far down the list of priorities. We left around noon on the friday and drove the 5 hour trip to get there. This time decided to stay a motel off the strip to save some money- its not like we spend much time there anyway. First night Brian, Amy and I started out gambling at one of the casinos while we waited for Brians brother Andrew to come in on the plane at around midnight. The good thing about Vegas casinos is that while you're gambling, they'll bring you as many free drinks as you want (within reason). After Andrew arrived we went to a club called RumJungle inside Mandalay Bay while Brian and Amy went to change shoes. We got stuck into the shots as well as taking advantage of the attractive girl walking around on the bar pouring rum down peoples throats. After that, we all met up and went
Hooters casinoHooters casinoHooters casino

A whole casino with restaurants, clubs and all everyone who works there is a hooters girl
to Studio 54 inside of the MGM Grand. This was probably one of the best clubs we went to. Hooked up with this one hot Canadian girl and then when her friend came back from wherever she was, she had checked me out and decided to join in. Kissing two girls at once was certainly one of the highlights of the night. Somehow I accidently lost them when the club closed tho. After that, Brian and Amy went to gamble and didn't see them til the next day. Andrew and I got split up too and I spent the rest of the night meeting heaps of people and gambling. Met a girl from Melbourne and her friend from England who were pretty cool too. Got home around 9am and slept til afternoon.
The next day woke up and went to grab some food from the Hooters Casino. Now thats a great casino. After eating, we got ourselves together, had a few drinks and tried to shake out the cobwebs before going to see Dane Cook. This was the main reason (or excuse is perhaps a better word) for the trip. If you're never heard of him, i suggest you look
On the floorOn the floorOn the floor

Free drinks make it a little more affordable... but not much
into it. Hes gotta be one of the funniest comedians i've ever heard. The warm up acts were average, but Dane Cook put on an feckin' awesome show with mostly new material. Afterwards went for more gambling. All four on us then decided to go to a club, but first put in some money each and bet $100US on red. We won and promptly went to spend the money on drinks. All bought yard glasses of margaritas- huge bloody drinks. Then went to Paris - the casino not the city and a club in there but it was lame. Back to Studio 54 and stayed til close. Amy and Brian split for some more gambling while me and Andrew met a funny black dude carrying around a bottle of vodka in a paper bag. He was hilarious so we 'adopted' him and took him with us to another club. Its all a bit hazy after that. It involved more nightclubs, a strip club and more gambling and eventually walking outside at 3PM to be scorned by the hot afternoon sun.
Sunday, after getting back home at 4pm from the night before, decided not to sleep and go out to the

Brians brother Andrew was the new addition to the crew for this adventure
floors and win back some of the money i'd spent over the weekend. Won back a couple hundred dollars but it didn't really make a dent in what i'd spent. Lastly, went to New York New York casino and rode a roller coaster before getting in the car and leaving to drop andrew at the airport and drive home.
Brian ended up getting pulled over by a cop doing about 40ks over the limit on the way home at about 3 in the morning and got a ticket but that was otherwise the end of the weekend. Absolutely bloody amazing time, spent over a grand for the weekend and only slept 6 hours.
Also found out Jerry Seinfeld will be playing Vegas in May so might not be long til i'm back there.

Additional photos below
Photos: 22, Displayed: 22


The ExcaliburThe Excalibur
The Excalibur

Yet another amazingly extravagent building
Studio 54Studio 54
Studio 54

Probably spent more time at 54 than any other club. Heaps of fun
2 girls2 girls
2 girls

These are the two girls i hooked up with with in the club.
New friendsNew friends
New friends

Melbourne girl left and england girl right were heaps of fun, and hopefully free accomodation in europe later this year
Dane CookDane Cook
Dane Cook

The view from our seats at his show
Yard glass of MargaritaYard glass of Margarita
Yard glass of Margarita

This photo was a bit dark but i'm actually holding a full yard glass filled with a frozen margarita
Skeezy new yorkersSkeezy new yorkers
Skeezy new yorkers

The girl i met from melbourne and a group of skeezy old new yorkers
English girlEnglish girl
English girl

Me and the girl from chelsea, england at a karaoke bar
entrance to a clubentrance to a club
entrance to a club

Me pretending to be something i'm not- the guy at the door
the adopted black guythe adopted black guy
the adopted black guy

met this guy in a casino and he was such a character we decided to drag him along with us

it hurts the eyes to see the afternoon sun after a 21 hours of partying

11th April 2006

First comment
Wiked, first in line. What a bloody lovely blog, heaps better than group email essays i write!! Oh yeah everyones leaving. FECK. Hope your having shite loads of fun and talk to you soon! Su Amigo- Jim
11th April 2006

Excellent work with the ladies, Las Vegas has to be part of the next trip i take for sure. I like the balancing act, you got skillz. It's my birthday today and reading this is probably the most enjoyable part of it, lame. Keep up this site i'll be sure to keep visiting. Also, is that Studio 54 the main 54 or is it like a franchise?
11th April 2006

haha darcy, that looks insane. i'm sitting here half-tipsy after some pints at the subi and wishing i was in vegas doing what you were doing :( big ups on the balancing act too. heading to dubai tomorrow for some burhka lifting! all the best buddy
12th April 2006

good photos mate, looks like your avin a great time , makes me wish i was going to america not europe again , seeya on the 6th in berlin!! have a good one!! be good if u can stay in chelsea aswell in england , right next to where ill be
20th April 2006

Damn Darc, after all thoes family trips to the states I thought it was a bloody boring place! Nice work bro.
9th September 2006

hey man! dont have your number atm, and dunno if you actually check your email! but contact me... i hear you are going to be in thailand in january! i'm planning on being there then, haven't booked tickets yet, but am almost definately going.. so yup, we gotta organize. anyone else want in?? gez

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