vegas baby

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April 8th 2009
Published: April 8th 2009
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hey kids

were back in vancouver, getting ready to fly to mexico bright and early tomorrow morning!?!?!?


got there on saturday and walked around the strip and checked out the shops then got ready to go watch the circus o'lay chriss angel magician show (the guy off tv) didnt think it was that great, hahahah i actually fell asleep. then we went over to studio 54 and had a boogie which was great!?!?!

the next day we woke up the next day and went to the circus circus indoor theme park, then we went and checked into the luxor hotel and went out that night in excaliber hotel, ceasers palace where we went to a night club on the roof of the las vegas strip

the next day we went and layed out by the pool it was 27 degrees which to us felt like fourty seven hundred, then we went and watched dirk authur extreme magician which was the same as zigfreed and roy! it was soooooooo good, then more hanging around the luxor pool and a big walk down the strip!

love J-L and gaz

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