Vegas baby!

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September 8th 2007
Published: September 8th 2007
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Hey everyone again, sorry about that littly update before. Abbey got a bit excited to see a 'celebrity'...Im pretty sure shes only famous for getting her tits out in public.

Anyway, we have arrived in Vegas and Ive got a bit of time to kill before they let us check it. Flying in was awesome, you can really tell Vegas is just a city dumped in the middle of the desert. Its freaking hot, I think its about 35 outside. There was some famous guy on the flight as well, maybe a musician, because people were getting their photos with him. Ive got no idea who it was though.

We've got tonight in a hostel in 'old' Vegas, then we are moving to the Imperial Palace on the Strip for a few more days. Looking at going to the Grand Canyon at some stage (although it costs about $250 NZD each to go...)

Oh yeah, Friday we went to the San Diego Zoo, which was great. Got some nice pics of the animals, not like the stupid Wellington Zoo where everything is closed and all you get to see are goats and maybe a monkey. We saw Polar Beers, Hippos, Rhinos, Pandas and all sorts of stuff. Saw a bit of San Diego as well, as the tour bus driver didnt know where he was going and had to ask for directions a few times. Then when he was taking us home he dropped everyone off at their hotels, so we spent 4 hours driving around LA which got a bit painful and of course we were the last to get dropped off. It was a good way to see downtown LA, Little China, the CBD, Santan Monica for free.

So, tomorrow night we are going to head to the Palms hotel where they are holding the MTV music awards, might be able to get a few celeb picks for ya.

Talk to you all soon.
Jon and Abbey


9th September 2007

Homeless guy
I meant to say - my favourite homeless guy is the one with the snake. Thats if we are doing a survey on this. 2 -How come they are all men???? xxx
9th September 2007

hey people!!! just wanted to say hi and hope that u went to bob sagats house??? memba his gang the gang-a-roos ha! anyway really glad your having an awesome time in heat and sunshine much like our wonderfull wellington which is freezing cold!!! Have fun at the mtv awards get me some photos! love jess
9th September 2007

Hi, just checkin that you are going on a helicopter over the canyon and not plane because the plane is shit so we have been told. Enjoy!! speak soon xxxxx
9th September 2007

Tara Reid
I want to see her.... "talents". Live. Lucky sods.
10th September 2007

Wilson Passed - He was really good - so proud of him. Not going to do the next lot of classes - have a rest for awhile. We still have hot water - bliss and it looks like insurance will pay for the repairs - keeping our fingers crossed. What a great place Las Vegas must be -I hope to get there one day, Dad would love it. Sounds like you are having a great time, are you sleeping any better???? Love to you both xxx

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