If God Lived on Earth...He Would Call Lake Tahoe Home

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July 1st 2006
Published: July 17th 2006
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Think someone else has the adventure bug too?
Sometimes people are drawn to different things...whether it be a beautiful person, a good book, a stiff drink, or a certain place. For me, it always has been...and likely always will be the opportunity for outdoor adventures. Over the course of five days in July, I had the opportunity to live like a king...play like a child...and savor the moment like I haven't done in a long time.

If you've never been to Lake Tahoe before, you are certainly missing the opportunity to take in one of the most scenic and breath-taking settings that we have here in the United States. A good friend favors the George Carlin quote, "It's not about the number of breaths you take, but the number of moments that take your breath away". That has never been more true, and I felt completely in awe during much of my time in Tahoe.

We had the tremendous honor to be guests at the home of a wealthy railroad and real estate entrepreneur (whose neighbors include Michael Milken and Steve Wynn). This remarkable man has an incredible business accumen and intelligence matched only by his love of playing host and tour guide.

Throughout the course
Boating in TahoeBoating in TahoeBoating in Tahoe

Beautiful scenery all around!
of the weekend we had the opportunity to take advantage of the personal masseuse and chef on staff at the residence, and took full advantage of the short distance from the sprawling back lawn the the shores of the lake itself. I'm not certain I've been anywhere else where you can enjoy a swim in crystal blue waters while surrounded by snow-capped mountains amid such a tranquil, majestic setting.

Over the course of our time there, we ate meals that would make Emerill blush in envy, took in the theatrical wonder of a Neil Diamond cover-band (Super Diamond ROCKS!), enjoyed a beautiful hike up toward the peak of Mt. Rose, experienced a close encounter with a hungry bear, and oh yes....had the chance to meet Emerill Legasse himself (although a bit tipsy...but he was absolutely hilarious and as energetic as he is on television...BAM!!).

From an outdoor enthusiasts standpoint, there is nowhere else I've ever been that could offer the vast array of beauty, wonder and adventure that Lake Tahoe does. There is certainly something special about this place, and a feeling that for at least for a few moments....you are more at peace and closer to God
Close EncountersClose EncountersClose Encounters

This guy wanted to join us for breakfast...but I don't think Kevin had prepared any salmon.
than ever before. This is definitely one place that is in no short supply of opportunities to take your breath away.

PS - Around this same time, my Uncle was fighting a terrible form of cancer (mesothelioma), which he ultimately submitted to on July 13th. I'm not certain if there is another life after this...or what heaven is like, but I can imagine my Uncle there now. I wasn't able to say goodbye to my Uncle before he succumbed to his illness, but he will always be with me on every adventure I take, and I will see him along every trail I venture along. He was the toughest man I've ever known, and had a keen wit and humor to match that strength. He traveled his own road, and he always took time to listen to stories of my adventures and experiences, while sharing lessons of his own...I can only hope to be half the man that he was someday.

I look forward to seeing you again soon Uncle Mick...I love you.

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Photos: 8, Displayed: 8


The Author The Author
The Author

Feeling fine after a little wine!
Trekking up Mt. RoseTrekking up Mt. Rose
Trekking up Mt. Rose

The group stops for a quick photo.

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