Canada Here We Come

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July 9th 2013
Published: July 9th 2013
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The step cover when it was broken. "A little help please"
Yesterday, Pat and I jumped up from our nap to the sound of thunder and raced outside to pick up the chairs and the other stuff and quickly put them away. We didn't want them to get wet before we stowed them for today's trip. When we finished we came inside to wash the dishes. The counter was sticky and full of brown sugar and a wadded piece of plastic wrap. I threw it away and looked at the drain cloth also full of brown sugar and it hit me, Leisel had gotten into the bag from Stella's. She didn't get into Pat's birthday pie, nor his muffin they gave him as a present, nor the pumpkin cranberry bread, no she got into a 4"X4" square of cinnamon roll and eaten the whole thing. Her stomach was huge and she laid around all night and today. When will she ever learn not to eat so much? Or when will I learn not to leave it available.

A shout out to Kurt the service Manager at Metra RV in Billings. The step is working, Yay, well sort of. It works from a button outside the RV, so Pat or I have

Passing through the storm July 3rd.
to stay outside and push it and then climb in, and the first one out climbs down and pushes it for the other. It is good to have stairs again if only for part of the time.

We took a scenic route today through the Lewis and Clark National Forest. It is located in the Little Belt Mountains and along Belt Creek It was beautiful and very exciting at the same time. We were going down 8% grades and around sharp turns with 10-15 foot drops off the sides and no shoulders. There was a little construction work along the way but it gave us an opportunity to go slower and enjoy the views.

Border prep tonight: Passports-check, Leisel's shot records and health report-check, unopened bag of dog food-check, no fresh fruit-check (I got a cup of juice out of the 5 lemons I squeezed and one more apple to eat for breakfast). Liquor wellll not so sure we may have to pay a little duty on that or have a crazy party tonight. We are not sure when our next entry will be. We will not have MiFi available in Canada, so we will have to rely

Life in the cockpit. Leisel lounging in her bed.
on the WiFi at the RV parks. We should be up and running when we hit Alaska, sometime after July 17th.

Yesterday, my Spiritual Director and mentor Pat S. died. Thank you Pat for being in my life at a very crucial time. Lord bless her family as they grieve. Rest in peace my friend.

Additional photos below
Photos: 33, Displayed: 23



Pat fixing the Aqua Hot. My hero!!

Our 4th of July spread.

The Texas sign.

Pistol Pete's

The evidence.

The culprit. Ohhh my tummy hurts.

Now that's a lot of Dachies

Working on the control panel for the steps.

Now that's what I'm talking about. The stairs are back

The Yellowstone River in Billings.

View along the way.

Entering the Lewis and Clark National Forest

9th July 2013

Canada Here We Come
And I thought you would be writing about wild raccoons at the camp sites. Nope, looks like Leisels doing a great job. lol. Aunt B, sorry to hear about your friend. Prayers to you and her family. Don't forget to take a photo of Duddley Do Wright..Safe Trevels into Canada. Love you both
15th July 2013

Thank you for the prayers, Kim. I haven' t seen Dudley Do Right yet.
9th July 2013

Pretty little stream by the road, such beautiful scenery
9th July 2013

You get great shots from the rv, love this one
15th July 2013

Thanks, I'm glad they turn out
9th July 2013

9th July 2013

Way to go, Dad!!
10th July 2013

Amazing what you can learn from the showers again!
9th July 2013

Sure am glad you got the steps working part way anyway. love the pic good luck at the border. Pat sure glad you were driving on that road and not me. Drive safe and have fun.Bernadette you should have a Greyhound
10th July 2013

Should have seen the road today! Lol Took 2 lane highway from Great Falls to Glacier National Park and crossed over the border there. It was dicey, but absolutely beautiful!
10th July 2013

See you soon!
Love the blog, and we look forward to meeting you soon in Dawson Creek! Sounds like you guys have had a lot of excitement and great adventures already. Safe and happy travels. Jim & Connie
11th July 2013

Thanks Connie. We will see you soon in Dawson Creek. We are really enjoying reading your blog as well. You guys are so active, you are really making us tired!
11th July 2013

Jesus took the wheel
I just love God's joyful surprises. Terry and I enjoy your blogs and feel connected with you and the unwinding you are experiencing, Pat, as you relax into the good life of retirement. Going to Pat Stankus's funeral today. love you guys, Pat

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