Montana to North Dakota

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July 4th 2008
Published: July 8th 2008
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Montana to North Dakota

St Mary's LakeSt Mary's LakeSt Mary's Lake

Glacier National Park
Happy Fourth of July! Shorts are in order, for summer has finally arrived us. It’s good to be back in the states, we have phone service and can talk with family and friends, which we quickly took advantage of, and now we don’t have to convert kilometers and centigrade. We had great views of the eastern most mountains of Glacier National Park, before we turned east toward Browning, MT. We intend to take Route 2 all the way from here to Michigan. Joy and Jon have taken it to and from Vermont and told us it is a great road.
Also Bill and Nadine just traveled it from Wisconsin to Washington and really enjoyed it.

Passing through several small towns today, we thought we might get stuck in a parade, but although we saw lots of flags lining the streets, we saw no celebrations. We are definitely in the prairie, there is just flat land all around. What really surprised us was the elk we saw in the middle of farmer’s fields. We saw three elk in one field, then a whole herd in another. I always related them to being more near wooded areas, which there was none of
Elk in the fieldElk in the fieldElk in the field

we saw over a dozen of them this morning

Route 2 was a pleasant ride and the speed limit was 70 mph. It is a lot more interesting driving this route versus the interstate and there is more to see. There were grain elevator buildings every 5-10 miles and lots of long trains traveling the rails. Oil derricks, a cowboy riding a horse, many small towns, like the town of Brockton, (Dave’s birthplace in MA) and hills off in the distance to the south, that reminded us of the Badlands, kept us visually entertained. We drove until we were into North Dakota and stopped at a pleasant campground in Williston, the Buffalo Hills Campground.

It was a hot day, the temps were in the mid-90’s and we broke down and used the AC in the van. We are just not used to warm weather, never mind this hot stuff. The mosquitoes here were much more prevalent than they had been in Montana, but a breeze kicked up and kept them at bay and cooled us off quite nicely.

Additional photos below
Photos: 5, Displayed: 5


Happy Fourth of JulyHappy Fourth of July
Happy Fourth of July

We saw flags every where but no parades or firreworks
Grain Elevators every 5-10 milesGrain Elevators every 5-10 miles
Grain Elevators every 5-10 miles

Right along side the railroad tracks to fill the cars with grain

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