What to do and Bring?

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July 22nd 2004
Published: July 22nd 2004
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Wow, only 53 days in counting till I am in Europe.  I am soo excited but so nervous.  I am wondering if there are big things that I am forgetting to do.  Hopefully, everything will come together at the end.  I have never done anything like this so it is a first of adventures for me.  We (the group I am going with) booked our hostels in London, Paris, and Amsterdam.  In London we are staying at St. Christopher's Village.  I guess it has a spa and a sauna on the rooftop that overlooks the entire city.  It is near Soho, which I have heard has amazing shopping.  In Paris, we are staying at the Friend's Hostel which is only about a mile away from the Latin Quarter, which supposively is the big nightlife and shopping scene.  Then in Amsterdam, we booked four nights at the The Flying Pig Downtown which is right in the heart of the Red light district.  I am have heard so much about the area and all of the research I have been doing has been paying off.  There is so much I already want to do that I know I will never get to it all.  We are still deciding where we are going for the week and a half we have to get from Venice to the Straight of Gilbratar.  I am thinking Italy, Croatia, and Greece. Who knows though.  There are other peoples thoughts on places to.  I just want to see everything which sucks cause there is never enough time to see it.  Anyways, see ya. Hope


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