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March 27th 2011
Published: June 16th 2017
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Geo: 38.6385, -90.3026

It's getting closer. We leave Thursday afternoon for Chicago. There, we will meet up with Tom and Mary, and we will all be on the same flight to Madrid. We arrive in Madrid early Friday morning. Can't wait to try sleeping on the plane, ugh. And then trying to keep up with Mary and Tom.

Gary comes home Tuesday to take care of the doggies while we are gone.

My cell phone won't work over there, so I am not taking it. I have an international cell phone for emergencies. ($0.69 per minute). If anyone needs to reach us, here is how you dial from the USA:
011 44 7718 860 979

We will be checking email periodically, and of course, we will blog if the internet/ipad all works like it should.

I have been working on my languages:
Spanish: Donde esta el bano?
French: Ou sont les toilettes?

That should be about all we need.


27th March 2011

Gracias por la informaci?n. ?S?lo Madrid? No deje a un matadore robar sus corazones y estar seguro para correr m?s r?pido que los toros. Est? seguro y disfrutar cada momento. and don't forget the castanets...Cheers Tanya
28th March 2011

I'll be watching for your pics and travel highlights. Rick and I would like to follow in your footsteps next year. I know you'll have a great time. Adios Amigos and I hope you find the restrooms.
29th March 2011

Anxiously awaiting news and pictures of your Spanish and French adventures. Make sure you take pictures of your food.

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