Bring On The Vacation!

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August 18th 2007
Published: August 29th 2007
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August 2007 - Road Trippin!

Saturday. Florida to Missouri.

Tony's adventure actually began over a week ago when he drove to Kansas City to meet up with his friends and then take off to go camping and kayaking in the Ozarks. For the record, he had a good time... except for when the door of the rental SUV, which is much heavier than, say, a door on a Mini Cooper, closed on him unexpectedly and he ended up with a gash in his cheek.

Were stitches needed? Probably... Were stitches gotten? No way, there was kayaking to be done!

My adventure began with a flight out to Kansas City to meet up with Tony and meet his friends before the road-tripping started. The day was long, as flying days usually are. Tony and his friends picked me up at the airport and we went straight to The Plaza and had a great dinner and wandered the streets window shopping and browsing Barnes and Noble and the Hair Product place. A few hours later, I was crashed out on the pull out couch!

The coolest things of the day: Seeing the cool Cinderella-Pumpkin-Looking horse drawn carriages that were lit up in holiday lights and watching the street performers, one of which was holding her sax and bawling her eyes out (guess people weren't feeling generous that evening?) and another who was poppin'-and-lockin'.

No pictures were taken.

Kansas City, Missouri - thumbs up.


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