On the Road

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July 11th 2008
Published: July 13th 2008
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

Day 1 road trip

New Orleans to Greenville on Great River Road ... 65

Heather Says

Hit the road for the long haul up to New York (Thursday 10 July) and stopped in a place called Greenville, Mississippi, for the night before heading to Memphis on Friday.

Some Beautiful scenery on the way. Picture this: Colonial style houses, endless corn fields capped by moody grey skies and misty eerie looking lakes surrounded by trees.

Brendan Says

This was a very tactical move, we took the Great River Road, that follows the Mississippi River, rather than the highway. Driving a Mazda Tribute SUV..... just keep right, just keep right.......

Heather Says

Spent an "interesting" night in a Greenville motel, that smelt a little like mould! Didn't feel totally safe so spent most of the nightwaking up everytime the wind blew!! After picking up our lives & our jobs and moving to London, i'm up for anything cheap!

Brendan Says

For the record I slept wonderfully, must be all that right hand side driving

Additional photos below
Photos: 11, Displayed: 11


Our NavMan (Lady)Our NavMan (Lady)
Our NavMan (Lady)

We have Nicknamed her Chesty LaRue
On the WayOn the Way
On the Way

I think ......

and more corn ... somewhere betwen NO and Greenville
Lake ProvidenceLake Providence
Lake Providence

Very eerie lake in Lake Providence, Louisiana

14th July 2008

Chesty LaRue
haha chesty Larue... how about Busty St Claire. looks like your having an awesome time, incredibly jealous. *jealous eyes* missing you both already, we now have one extra Killer Python to eat! :) * katie rubs her hands together. * lots of love xxx
16th July 2008

Chesty LaRue
Definately a excellent choice, makes exploring very very easy! thanks for the email guys, hope all is well in the City of Rock!

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