A new adventure and a bit about the old...

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August 10th 2004
Published: August 10th 2004
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I can't believe this summer has gone by so quickly! I could not have asked for a better time during my stay in Boston. This city has so much to offer, and I am leaving tomorrow with many things left undone. As usual, I left some of it right until the last possible minute, but the truth is that every day has been busy since I left school at the end of May. This last weekend was my favorite here in Boston though, since Daren and I took the opportunity to go to Cape Cod. If you have not been, then you should really go. The coastline is breathtaking, the lobster delicious, and the houses colonial and quaint. Our exploration of Cape Cod even included taking in a Chatham A's baseball game of the Cape Cod league. Speaking of baseball, I am now a Red Sox fan...I know...I should root for the Canadian teams...but the passion and dedication to the Red Sox and 'reversing the curse' holds too much romance in it for me to deny. Besides, one game, sitting behind home plate in Fenway stadium looking at the 'green monster' is all it really takes. It rivals latin american soccer games, I tell ya!

While there is (obviously) so much negativity this year related to the US government, I have had an amazing experience getting to know the people here. In the last few months, I have met some of the most memorable, intelligent, sincere, and kind people that I have ever known. In fact, I am in awe of how 4 different families in particular have opened up their hearts and their homes to Daren and I. Intelligent discussions about politics, values and travels have enlightened, frustrated, and inspired me.

Walking to the Harvard T stop (subway) or lying calmly on the beach this last week, my thoughts have been on all the great things I have had the chance to see and do this year, and all the great people...it all makes it so hard to leave.

AND YET...I AM SO EXCITED to go to Tennessee. I know...you must think I'm a weirdo (I know I am!) It is going to be so different from anywhere I have been before, and I can't wait to start my new job! The anticipation is almost killing me. Daren, on the other hand, flip flops in his excitement and sheer panic of going down South. I think he may be the smarter of the two of us on this one! The panic hasn't hit me yet. We are driving down (!) and I will get to see Washington DC for the first time, as well as Virginia and W. Virginia. (Another 7 states too...but I already saw them when I drove to Baltimore). I think I am almost as excited about the trip as I am about exploring the Southeast of the US. The funniest part of moving down there is that we already have people who are going to come visit us! Who knew?

For those of you that I haven't told yet...Daren, Bella and I will be living in the Maryville/Knoxville area of Eastern Tennessee. We will be living in the gateway to the Smoky Mountains...which I think might be a lot like being the gateway to the Rockies...only the mountains aren't as jagged...and it isn't as cold. No we aren't near Graceland...although we will of course have to go visit...but we are near Dollywood. The bordering states are North Carolina to the East, Kentucky and Virginia to the North, Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi to the South, and Arkansas and Missouri to the West. Woo...that is a lot of exploring to do!

Daren and I leave tomorrow, but should be arriving there on Friday.


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