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October 26th 2004
Published: October 26th 2004
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26th October 2004 Tuesday
We were both wide awake this morning at 05:00 and it was deadly quiet in the hotel. Had a shower and went downstairs to find out where to go etc in Boston. We turned up at the local bookshop/cafe for breakfast, but it didn't open until 21:00. Back to the hotel for a while, and then back at 09:00 for breakfast.Was quite expensive, but quite nice. A bit too fancy for me... melted cheese, salsa and fried eggs...hmmm. Walked across Newbery Street and across the public gardens to the "Cheers" bar to take a photo of Gina in front of the gaff. Back through the gardens to the Freedom Trail, which starts at the information centre. Walked up to the State House around Beacon Hill and visited all the sites associated with the American war of Independence, churches, meeting houses, graveyards etc, and we stopped off at Farneil Hall for Lunch. Gina had clam chouder and I had chicken noodles. Carried on to the USS Constitution where we were shown round the "Old Ironside" by a Navy Officer. He was asked what the GR on the cannons with a crown on them stood for, but he didn't know the answer. Gina and I left a note on the visitors card to explain to him what it stood for. We walked up to the Bunker Hill monument. Quite funny to find out that the Americans were asked to defend Bunker Hill and actually got the wrong one. A sign of things to come! After climbing the monument (300 steps) we bumped into a Granny who asked us if we were going to watch the game tonight. She told us to watch Chasnnel 25 tionight to watch them play St. Louis. We then wandered to the Fleet centre and caught the T line back home. Bought a couple of beers from the bottle store which I drank before we went down to fenway Park, home of the Red Sox. Had a couple of beers here and Gina had a massive plate of Natchos in the nearest bar to the stadium to soak up the atmosphere. The whole city is Red Sox mad at the moment as the last time they won the World series was back in 1918, they now only have to win tomorrow night to do it.


19th June 2005

Get in touch!
Eddie Nice to see you are doing something boring for a change. Get in touch if you login to this again.

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