Going home.......

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September 18th 2006
Published: September 19th 2006
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When I got up this morning (Sunday) I was really feeling badly... slight fever and can't breathe at all out of my nose. I decided I wanted to go home! I missed my family and I didn't think that much of Cuzco. I made a bunch of phone calls to arrange my flight back to Lima and then to arrange my flight back to the states.

I made it to the Cuzco airport at 1:30 PM and hung around until my 3:15 PM flight to Lima. I landed in Lima at 4:30 PM and I had a ton of time to kill since my flight to Atlanta wasn't until 12:20 AM!!

My flight to Atlanta took off on time and landed in Atlanta at 8:30 AM. I then had a 10:30 AM flight from Atlanta to BWI. Unfortuantley on this leg I had a middle seat between two very large men AND the plane was 40 late taking off so I sat and sweated! ugh!

After I landed in Baltimore and I walked past security I saw Woody... Yeah!! I was so happy to see him and happy to be home although I was so very tired. I'd be traveling for 30 hours and I don't really sleep on planes.

The best part of leaving is coming back and seeing your family. When I got home the dogs mobbed me and I could tell they were very happy to see me. Alexandra got home a few minutes after we did and she too seemed very happy to see me. Colin... I waited out front for the bus and when the doors opened and he saw me, he started crying. How sweet!!

I think its going to take some time to process all that I saw and experienced. This is one of the best things I ever done and I am so glad that I went. I'm looking forward to sharing it with all of you. I have a ton of photos which I think turned out pretty well. I can't wait to share!

Anyway, I managed to stay up until about 9 PM... How long is that... 39 hours! I then collapsed into bed and cuddled up with my husband thanking God that I live where I do and that we have a roof over our head and food in our stomachs. We are really the luckiest people in the world!


19th September 2006

Christie, Glad that you are home safe...sorry that you are under the weather...so I hope that you feel better real soon...get plenty of rest...which I am sure you need. Hugs, Janet
19th September 2006

Welcome Home!
Thank you for your humanitarian efforts, and thanks for taking the time to share your travels with us. See you soon.
19th September 2006

Welcome Home!!
Christie- Glad to hear that you made it back to the states OK. I bet your family was relieved to see you. Thank you for giving us the oppurtunity to share this with you. It makes me realize just what we have and how we shouldn't complain about what we have to do without. I hope to talk to you soon...
22nd September 2006

Welcome Home
Welcome Home Christie... I just had an opportunity to read your entire journal for the first time since you left. Sounds like you had an amazing trip! I'm still wiping tears off my cheeks as I sit back and think just how fortunate we all are - it's a shame that it takes someone to go experience life in "another world" for us to realize what we have. It takes a special person to do what you did and I admire you for doing it. Glad you're home - can't wait to see you on Monday.

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