Here in MD

Published: June 1st 2018
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Made it here yesterday afternoon, just before granddaughter and daughter got home. Was granddaughter’s Instrumental music banquet dinner last night, so Andy and I went to Sakura’s Japanese’s restaurant for dinner. Never could figure out why they give so much food at those hibachi places. Appetizer choices included 2 shrimp or sautéed mushrooms. Andy and I both picked the mushrooms, me because my dinner was shrimp and scallops, him because he is allergic to shellfish. Before the appetizers though, Dinner included onion soup and a salad. I really like the soup, just a clear broth with bits of green onion and a mushroom. I am not crazy about sesame ginger dressing, it no real matter because things were just beginning. The fry guy started us off with what looked like over a cup of fried rice followed by a the same size appetizer, a bigger portion of fried vegetables and same size bean sprouts. Finally came the meat: filet mignonette for him, shrimps and scallops for me. I could not even eat half my plate. Since tonight is take out and family movie night, tomorrow will be end of Japanese’s dinner. Andy is busy with all the activities involved with graduation. School must be worried about smoothness because they already had two partial practices with a full dress rehearsal Tuesday morning. Today was Senior picnic day after rehearsal. Big stuff going on. Time to get ready to eat, so bye for now.


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