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June 17th 2018
Published: June 17th 2018
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From there we went to Kennebunkport. I can see why the Bush’s love it. It is a really quaint harbor town with cutesy shops and restaurants like other seaside places. We wandered the shops and then ate at a waterside rustic establishment. I had my second lobster roll and my last. Still can not figure out why people are impressed. Yes, you get a decent amount of lobster and different places serve it with different dressings, usually drawn butter or mayo, but really, it is served on a hot dog bun, not even some fancy artisan bread. It is a small pile of lobster and it ain’t cheap. Clam chowder was good though. I have had it at three places so far and all were excellent. My biggest disappointment is everyone only has steamer clams. I know my friends love them, but I have a hard time looking at them. They have this black rubbery looking thing attached and it freaks me out. My friends told me that pulls off, Nobody here serves little neck or cherry stone clams and I am disappointed. Really looked forward to it. Did not get to Bush Compound area, streets were jammed for a Friday. Learned that compound has been in family over 100 years. George HW’s father bought it. Can understand allure. Like I said, area is charming, great seafood and water everywhere. Left Kennebunkport heading back to house and decided to stop at Old Orchard Beach. One of few sandy beaches around. Most “beaches” are rocky and surrounded by cliffs. Old Orchard Beach is also the site of an amusement park and pier. Pier has been there over a hundred years too. It weathered many a northeaster. Forgot to tell you on the way out we stopped at Len Libby‘s Chocolate Store, the home of Lenny the World’s only life size chocolate moose, weighing over 1700 lbs and standing 8 ft tall. Not sure chocolate is edible anymore, been there a long time. They did have lots of other good candy though. Was going to tell you about our last big excursion that took place today, but getting tired. Last episode tomorrow before we head home.


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