Summer Amazingness

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April 24th 2007
Published: April 24th 2007
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I'm an outdoor man, and I don't do any work unless I want to.
-Johnny Weissmuller

Hey everybody,

Ideally, if you are getting an email saying that I wrote this, I'm awesome. If not, I'm pretty cool but not quite at awesome status. I wanted to give everybody a head's up as far as where I'm going to be and what I'm going to be doing (roughly). On Tuesday, May 8th I'm going to pack up all of my stuff here in Murray and head back to my folks' house in Louisville KY. The following morning, I get to drop Ash off at the airport (she's going to San Fransisco for a sweet job interview) and head down to Versailles KY for a teambuilding contract to make a bit more money before I become a professional vagabond. I'll get back up to Louisville Wed. night and spend the next several days visiting with family and friends. On Sunday, May 13th, I will be getting in my truck with Speedy and heading out to Riverton Wyoming. He's planning on flying back to Louisville from there probably on May 24th. That gives us almost 2 weeks of ranging all over the country seeing what there is to see, and I'm very excited about it. I don't know the details of what we are going to do exactly as we won't really be figuring it out until we are in the car driving away on Sunday. I'll try to keep everybody posted though.

My first NOLS contract begins on May 25th. I will be the third (out of 3) instructor on a 16 and over Wind River Wilderness Course . I will be in the field until June 27th. My second contract is for the exact same type of course, only this time I will be the Patrol Leader (second instructor out of 3) and those dates are June 29th through August 1st. During those 2 courses I will be able to do my internship for Murray and technically I will graduate in August. There is currently talk about me possibly getting a contract from August 8th to August 30th, but that is still kind of up in the air. As for the fall, I have absolutely no idea what is going on but I'm always open to suggestions.

My point is this: I would like to pay a visit to anybody who will have me who might be within a couple hundred miles of my route. Let me know where you are, what you're doing, and if I can sleep on your floor for a night. I definately want to keep friendships, relationships, and family all intact, so let me come visit! Anyway, that is all for now. Happy trails everybody, and be looking for more posts from me. If anybody you know would like to subscribe to this, it's easy to to and I'd definately appreciate it. Thanks!



24th April 2007

You are Awesome
Chris, Great start to your blog. Can't wait to read about your adventures. Make sure you stay on the side of "saneness" Love you bunches. Mom
24th April 2007

You are Awesome
Chris, Ok I submitted a comment but it apears to be lsot in cyberspace. Will try again. New Blog came through great. Can't wait to read and see pictures of your adventures. Just say on the side of "saneness". Love you bunches. Mom
24th April 2007

CHRISM! It's crazy where all you're going. YES, I want to see you. But of course because I go to Centre, we don't graduate until May 20th. But I'll figure out a way to see you, my good, good, good high school friend. I'll call you soon!
24th April 2007

got it
Chris, Got your e-mail so apparently this works. You are getting ready for the Grand Adventure, i.e., life outside of school. Of course in your case outside is more appropriate than most. Mom and I are very proud of you, and are looking forward to reading about your many travels and experiences. Love, Dad
24th April 2007

got it
Chris, Got your e-mail so apparently this works. You are getting ready for the Grand Adventure, i.e., life outside of school. Of course in your case outside is more appropriate than most. Mom and I are very proud of you, and are looking forward to reading about your many travels and experiences. Love, Dad
25th April 2007

What a great sumer!
Hi Chris- Sounds like you have one adventure-filled summer in store for you. We have lots of floorspace (are floors really your choice?) if you decide to go urban for a visit. Have a great time! Love, Aunt Debbie
25th April 2007

Chris-sounds like you have lots of adventures in store for you!! Have a great summer and be safe! Ben says hi and he wants to go camping soon! If you are in Colorado could you pick me up a 6 pack of Fat Tire Beer? Can't find it anywhere else!! LOL....Have a great time. Cousin Jessica
25th April 2007

crash in my trailor!
as i said, if you're ever in the auburn, AL area in the next 4 years, you can crash in my trailor :)

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