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June 3rd 2005
Published: July 5th 2005
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I'm currently in my own kitchen, in my own house, in my hometown. My flight to Shannon by way of Boston was delayed two hours. Of course, nobody bothered to tell my alarm clock, so I still woke up at 5:40. And instead of going to the airport early, I'm doing the first of what I'm sure I'll be doing plenty of on this trip - waiting. I figured this was as good a time as any to get a start on this travelblog.

I spent the majority of yesterday running from store to store doing some last minute shopping for my journey. Nothing too big, just the niceties that make traveling a little easier. I really didn't know how to prepare for this trip. I bought a book about Europe, I packed at least one outfit for every climate and occasion I could think of. I asked for traveling advice from everyone I knew who had been abroad (the most helpful of which was about the urine content on the surface of the Blarney Stone - thanks to the Irish locals - coupled with a warning not to kiss it when that part of the tour comes around).

I don't know how to feel right now. I'm not sure what to expect. I've entitled this travelblog "Walking the walk" because I've always talked about Europe and the things that I'd do if I ever had a chance to visit. In fact, up until the moment I'd been accepted to KU Law, I was planning on spending a few months to a year bumming around the continent, living my life under the "passing through" mentality. I'm hoping this trip will be an opportunity to own up on all that yapping I did.

All cheesy headlines aside, I'm excited. I'll leave it at that until I have something more worthwhile to write.


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