Getting to Know Us

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December 2nd 2006
Published: December 2nd 2006
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I thought it would be nice to give a little bio. information about each of our family members, so that you could get to know us a little better. So, here we go:

George has worked as a full-time evangelist for 18 years, after graduating from the East Tennessee School of Preaching and Missions in 1988. He has labored with the Airport Church of Christ, Pacifica Church of Christ, and the Menlo Church of Christ; the latter two being stateside mission works. He has particular interest in training Christians to be active in personal evangelism. George has also participated in mission efforts in New Zealand, Ukraine, India, Sri Lanka, Australia, Jamaica, and Malawi. His hobbies include woodworking, metal working, welding, hunting and fishing.

Joy has labored by George’s side since their marriage in 1985. She has enjoyed being a full-time home-maker, caring for their four children, Julia, Jacob, Luke and Lindsey. She has been home schooling their children since 1992. Joy has taught Bible classes for children and ladies, often writing her own class material. She has also written several articles for women. She has been a speaker at various ladies’ functions. She has participated in mission efforts in New Zealand, India, Jamaica, and Malawi. Joy’s hobbies include reading, writing, sewing, cooking, and gardening.

Julia was born in 1987. She graduated from high school in 2005, and has since established her own part-time cleaning business. Julia has experience teaching Bible classes for children of various ages, and has written several articles for women. She has participated in mission efforts in New Zealand, Jamaica, India and Malawi. Julia’s hobbies include photography, drawing, calligraphy. She also enjoys cooking, which is especially encouraged by her two brothers. She plays piano and has taught herself to play the pennywhistle.

Jacob was born in 1989. He is a senior in high school. Jacob works for a neighbor a couple days a month, helping read electric meters. Jacob is an experienced song leader, and also participates in leading other acts of worship. Jacob has participated in mission efforts in Ukraine, India, and Malawi. He enjoys woodworking, particularly scroll saw work. He also enjoys bike riding, hunting, spending time with his beagle and the family plotthound. Jacob plays the violin, mandolin, and guitar.

Luke was born in 1990. He is a junior in high school. Luke serves as a song leader at our local congregation, and also participates in other acts of worship. He has participated in mission efforts in New Zealand, India, and Malawi. Luke enjoys reading, drawing, and history trivia. He likes wood working, particularly carving, as well as bike riding and hunting. Luke has taught himself to play the guitar, and is learning how to play the banjo.

Lindsey was born in 1992. She is a freshman in high school. She has participated in mission efforts in New Zealand, India, and Malawi. Lindsey presently teaches a children’s bible class at our local congregation. She loves teaching children, and gained much experience teaching children in India and Malawi. Lindsey enjoys reading, cooking, and playing with her two gerbils, Cricket and Wicket. Lindsey has taught herself to yodel, and is learning how to play the guitar and bass.

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2nd December 2006

We are excited about your arrival
Its nice to get to know you all a little better! We are looking forward to working together full time with you in Tazania.
16th March 2007

I can't wait to meet you! Todd

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