Disney sweatshop

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April 28th 2014
Published: April 28th 2014
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~Workers earn 30 cents an hour.

~Employs workers under the legal age.



~Workers paid 5 cents an hour when Pooh shirts sell for $17.99.

~Workers are forced to work 14-hour days, seven days a week.

~Workers are beaten if they do not meet quotas.

~Speaking is prohibited.

*Disney pulled out of factory after employees publicly complained about poor working conditions.


~Workers are young as 14 years old

~Young people are forced to work 10-13 hours a day producing Disney’s children’s books six or seven days a week.

~The workers are paid 33 to 41 cents an hour.

~It is common for the workers to be cheated of their overtime pay.

~Workers have no health insurance or pension.

~At one factory, there are four to five accidents a week. Many people have lost their fingers. "But instead of doing something about the machines, the factory just hires new workers. And the accidents simply continue."

What can be done to create the company's product
without having to use cheap labor?

*Bringing smiles to children is what Disney is known for, so Disney donated $1million dollars for UNICEF. UNICEF is the world's leading advocate for children, with the strong presence in about 190 countries. I think the right way is for the companies to pay their employees the appropriate salaries, to respect workers rights and better working conditions.


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