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August 28th 2013
Published: August 29th 2013
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One place I always wanted to visit is Paris France. I want to visit Paris France because it's so beautiful and romantic. Everyone I know who has visited Paris says it's a beautiful place. Paris France is a place where fashion and culture is mixed together, and of course everyone knows Paris is a place where love is bound to conquer. Paris also has beautiful scenery at night. If I ever get the chance of visiting Paris, I always dreamed of going to the Eiffel Tower. I have always imagined myself at the very top of the Tower it would be a dream come true. In Paris I hope to learn to speak a little French too, and meet new people. I want to step out of my comfort zone too. Someday I will be there foreal I won't stop believing I will hold on to my dream until I am there. Visiting Paris will be a everlasting memory for me to cherish my whole life.


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