A4 RHILA #28

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June 10th 2013
Published: June 10th 2013
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1. As of this school year, the beliefs that have been strengthened through World History have been that everyone has the right to their own religion. I wasn't too open about religions before, but through this class I have learned that religions are special to the people who practice them and that everyone SHOULD have the right to practicing any religion of their choosing. Furthermore, I have gotten stronger views about the right to a democracy. Before World History, I thought dictatorship was the only wrong form of government, but now that I have learned many of the other forms of government that aren't exactly good forms.

2. As a result of this school year, beliefs or ideas of mine that have been changed are as I had said the different forms of government and how they affect people. Also, I questioned other countries and their motives based on how they run their country, but now seeing as how they came about and what they have went through to get there makes me appreciate them a little more.

3. The Human Right that I think I'll be able to help support as I make my PMC is right number 28 which is the right to a fair and free world. By going to college and becoming a member of the UN, I'd like to ensure that everyone in the world is entitled to being treated fairly and treated freely. As an active united nations member, I'd like to also protect right number 3 which is the right to live free. By protecting this law, I'm ensuring that the people of the world are able to live a happy, free life. Although this might not be easy to accomplish, it is still very possible with the help of supporters.


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