A4 RHILA #24

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April 21st 2013
Published: April 21st 2013
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1. Some ideas that are currently hard to fulfill are the infringement on the rights of gay/lesbian couples. In the constitution, it states that all men were created equal; however, if this is so, why are homosexual's rights unequal? Everyone should be able to marry who they please, and yes some religions disprove of this, but the decision of marriage is ultimately left to the two people getting marriage. Also, many adoption agencies will not allow homosexuals to adopt children because they feel as though they will not be good caretakers. However, logically speaking here, homosexuals will make the best parents because they can't just have babies, they have to want to have them which means their child will be unconditionally loved.

2. I believe violence to make a point is never justifiable. During the Civil Rights movement, MLK Jr never used violence as an option to get his point across and he was still successful. Rose Parks did not use violence to prove her point on the bus either and in the end, she was successful as well. I firmly believe if a point needs to be made justifiable, violence is not needed because it's basically like adding fuel to a fire. If you use violence, violence will be given in return.

3. There's a lot of debate over government corruption and the actions they are taking towards certain critical events. The Sandy Hook and the Colorado shootings, for example, caused a lot of controversy over gun control laws. The Sandy Hook and Colorado shootings are very reliable examples of why gun control laws should be made; however, when gun control laws were attempted to be passed, they were denied. The government claims that they are doing all they can to keep the US citizens safe, but it sure doesn't seem like it. The Boston Marathon also proves that the government can be doing more. The two suspected bombers walked freely around the marathon without being suspected at all. Even after they were caught, another person died. Why is it so difficult to keep us safe? It seems as though we need to be questioning who's running our country.


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