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March 6th 2013
Published: March 6th 2013
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1. In modern day privacy continues to exist because the Federal Government cannot afford the weaponry or manpower now fielded by well-financed pirate gangs.

2. The way that they planned to make this privacy come to an end was that they were trying to create a sophisticated, highly trained fighting force that could defeat the pirates terrorizing the shipping lanes off the somali coast. If it was in my opinion I think that they should have tried to make piece with the pirates in some form of way, but if it fails then attack them.

3. To me I think back in the day piracy was more justiable because of how people didn't really have that many resources so they took from others, and because it was acceptable back then but now I feel like being a pirate to steal from others really isn't neccesary because of all the sources that we have found and created.


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