RIHLA #18- GPs

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February 20th 2013
Published: February 20th 2013
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According to the Orange County Register article by Eric Carpenter, children in the Anaheim Union High Schol district are recieving GPS trackers if they have four or more unexcused absences. Teachers and faculty feel that these instruments help motivate students not to miss any school days. These devices were put in place to help students stay on track in school and creates better habits. Although these devices did help with attendance in school, not everyone agreed with the GPS trackers. Some parents felt that the devices were too harsh for children in the seventh and eight grade, and were too related to ankle braclet that the law gives to people on house arrest. On the other hand, it made some parents exstatic. Parent were happy to see the devices were keeping accont of students whereabouts. The tracking devices remind students to be at school on time and checks on them three to four times a day.

I feel like the tracking devices are a good idea, because it inforces how important school and a good education is. It also can be good in case of emergencies, you can trackit to make sure nothing is wrong. This can be especially helpful for students who walk or take the bus to school. With these devices, students are more lkely to stay out of trouble and do better in school.

I think that the subject not so much relates to class as it relates to our school, because our school reminds us about how important our education is and that each day matters.


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