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September 30th 2012
Published: September 30th 2012
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The Occupations of Old Egypt

Part #1

1. Historians might learn from the text occupational and social structure of Middle Kingdom Egypt is they should be scribe because is a powerful and worthy living. In Addition, scribes are safe and very important people.

2. Learning to write offers young Egyptian, power,wealth and importance to be around. Advantages that scribes has is authority because scribe tells others what to go and do.

3. The timeless frustration of a teacher in the text is trying to encourage and convince student to believe they all have the opportunity to become a scribe.

Part #2

A. I do not think American students value education the same way as ancient Egypt. The reason why is because the majority of people in America are in school then going to work or being a soldier. In today's economy, many prefer to continue their education.

B. Person interviewed: Jordan

Job: Tours of Admissions

Questions#1: What is the most popular major at Millikin?

Answer: "Arts/Music and Performing Arts"

Question#2: What is the percentage of students that graduate with a masters degree?

Answer: "We have 98%!o(MISSING)f students going for their full degree, but only 84%!g(MISSING)et their masters degree because those who do get it, they get more classes then they can handle"

Question#3: Do students get full scholarship if they play sports?

Answer:"No more students get scholarships for their test scores and grades growth in the past grades they have had. Is less common to have a scholarship for a sport"

C. After my visit to Millikin University, I couldn't consider my self getting a college degree from this school because the school is more focus on arts and music. Although, their classes might be a small size, I can not picture myself trying to take every opportunity they once in awhile offer for to have for that one major I plan to do in college. They should have more equal classes for every major, not just for arts and music.


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