Around Moscow, Owen's Rugby and Soccer Games

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October 20th 2018
Published: October 26th 2018
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Family Selfie!Family Selfie!Family Selfie!

Walking around downtown
A fun day and night all around Moscow! It started with a trip down the street to the park to watch Owen's rugby game. It was funny to see people in tank tops in what we feel like is cold morning weather. There was a parade downtown for the Idaho University homecoming that we went to next. It was really fun to see all the local teams, bands, and several farm equipment right in front of us marching by. The parade also threw out candy that the kids loved, and Nathan and Rosie enjoyed the views up on Steve and Cheston's shoulders for a while, and right in the front of the parade. It ended with 5 firetrucks and a street sweeper, much to the kids delight. We walked around after and stopped at a pizza slice place that was really good. There was a play area the kids did the slide on, and best of all a balloon animal maker that made blue swords for Nathan and Owen and a pink dachshund for Rosie. Back to the house was a good time for Rosie to take a nap and Cheston do some work picking up leaves. He took Nathan and Owen with him to the recycling center to watch him unload the leaves, and Nathan has said it was the highlight of his trip so far.

Steve and Cheston went out to Owen's soccer game in the afternoon at Idaho University as the girls stayed to wait for Rosie to wake up and they snapped a great picture of her on the porch. She missed Owen and Nathan and was very happy to have them come home. We had some tasty Nachos for dinner and played with the kids around the yard and house some more. Kat was brilliant enough to have a babysitter for us that night so the parents could go out, so we went to a great place in Moscow that had some yummy desserts. Everyone was celebrating the football game victories of Idaho and Washington State, yet were probably the only ones there who didn't care to watch the games. We had a good night and enjoyed the conversation without the kid's interruptions.

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Parade tractorParade tractor
Parade tractor

Lots of tractors

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