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March 26th 2013
Saved: December 23rd 2016
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Disclaimer: I do not own, operate or have any financial stake in flightmemory.com. I cannot guarantee the accuracy, safety or security of information you may store on that site.

This one is for the geeks out there who want a place to store their flight-related information and generate maps and statistics utilizing that information.

I stumbled upon flightmemory.com while I was in-between consulting engagements some time back. I was instantly hooked, and I spent several days looking through old passports, frequent flyer statements, credit card statements and tax records to reconstruct my flight data over the years. Even with all these sources of information to work with, I had to make some guesses (e.g., domestic non-rev flights in the UK when I worked for Singapore Airlines UK: As those flights were domestic, my passport was not stamped. Also, my employer paid for the tickets so I did not have any credit card records. And, the flights were non-rev so they do not show up on mileage statements). All on all though, I think I did a pretty good job. Good thing I have a memory (for this kind of stuff anyway) that puts elephants to shame. Now if only my memory worked the same way with names and faces so that I would stop embarrassing myself in social situations...

But,, I digress. Click here to view the output from all my hard work. 769,000 miles and counting...

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