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May 1st 2007
Published: December 18th 2007
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I can still feel the adrenaline, that pure anticipation….eagerness, to start the trip of a lifetime. We took a flight out from Hilo to Honolulu, and when I say “WE,” I mean Abby and I. It was pretty cool because we got to fly for free. “Why?” You’d ask. Well, my sister works for the airline that we took, so she gave us “Buddy Passes.” They’re plane passes that are given to the workers, so that they can use it for travel or they can give them to whoever they choose. So, we got to fly for free!
We had to wake up really early this morning because our flight that goes to Ostrava, was scheduled to leave at 7:20a.m. We checked into our airline, which is British Airways. Soon enough, we were on the plane. Our flight to Ostrava included two stops- Los Angeles and London. At around 3:40p.m we landed in LA. We waited there at the airport until our continuing flight was ready to board which was at around 5:50-6:00p.m. While we waited at the airport, Abby and I decided to explore the little stores. There was a McDonalds, so that’s where we ate.
We boarded the plane once again, and were soon lifting off. The ride so far has been a little bumpy and a bit long, but Abby and I are making the best if it. Like usual, we’ve been laughing most of the way, reminiscing about movies and funny events that happened recently. What have also been making us laugh were the people around us. Truthfully, we’re VERY entertained by the people sitting around us. Some people remind us of some of the characters in a book we have to read- The Canterbury Tales. In the row on the side of us, there’s a guy that reminds me of the squire. A young guy, cute in appearance, very eye-catching. He looks like a good all-around type of guy. Sitting in front of us is a business-looking man. He looks very sophisticated and somewhat rich. He reminds me of the merchant, who governed his trade affairs well.
I would write more about the people on this plane, but right now, I think it’s around 10:30p.m and I’m exhausted so I’m ready to go to sleep. Our first day of the trip is ending for me, and I can’t wait to see what Ostrava has in store for us.


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