Maui, Hawaii 041107

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November 30th 2007
Published: November 30th 2007
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Maui, Hawaii. 04 Nov 2007. ( The Lazy Day)

Weather totally poo - Tropical Storm! Daily tour was beach but decided to give that a miss and have lazy day and shopping day. (Stock up on beers). Met Christina (Another german girl) wondering around near the bus stop trying to figure out how to catch the bus and where from. I was going to the shopping mall so invited her along with me. Still P'ing it down. Got my first use of my waterprrof jacket. look a total prick but who cares im dry lol. Whilst shopping realised id lost my debit card - tracked back and left it in the ATM machine yesterday morning when i was at the supermarket (before the hike). "Bollacks" Was panicing the rest of the afternoon worried that some hawaii'n was ona spending spree with my card as the signature is never ever checked! Got back and called supermarket to see if anyone had handed in the card (which they hadnt) so had to call bank in UK to cancel my card. Luckily there had been no activity. lucky me...relief!

No Pictures today as didnt go anywhere interesting. After shopping and sorting my card out simply chilled out with people at the banana bungalow and probably played some crazy drinking games and drank lots of corona.


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