Getting ready for the Ironman

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June 2nd 2017
Published: June 3rd 2017
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Today was very interesting. Jeanne was having a take care of yourself before the big event day. The day started with her getting a Vit B infusion. Then she went for a massage while I visited the Safeway store. Finally she went for a whole body Cryotherapy session. I had never heard about it before, but think I am going to try it before I leave. The person getting the treatment puts on a robe, warm glove, knee socks and rubber slip on shoes. Then the doctor cools down this tall cylinder and you get in. The door is closed and an elevator lifts you until only your head sticks out the Top. You throw out your robe and for between a minute and a half and three minutes you turn in quarter turns every fifteen seconds. Three minutes is the longest you can stay in at -140 to -155 C. The outer layers of the skin get cold telling the brain to protect the core organs. The blood becomes enriched with extra oxygen, enzymes and nutrients, accelerating all crucial life processes. Organ deficiencies are remedied as much as possible and bolstered organs begin to recover. After the session enriched blood flows back into peripheral tissues enhancing them. This process continues for 6-8 hours. The session is painless and has a lot of benefits. Jeanne uses it to boost metabolism before races and to help her shoulder and lower back. There are a whole list of benefits and there are a lot of offices all over the country. Thought since I was into alternative medicines that I would try it and see if it helps the old shoulder and rib muscle problems. If I like it I can try an office nearby at home. One never knows where one will find relief wihout medication.

After those sessions we came home and packed up Jeanne's bike and took to the starting area up at Hapuna Beach, my very favorite. Larry is taking Jeanne up about four tomorrow because they have to be there really early. Jeanne's friend Sue will pick me up for the end of the run part. Swim is first, 2 1/2 miles in open ocean, followed by 56 miles on bike and then 13 mile run. She went to bed at six pm to try and get good night's sleep. She was really calm until around five, got nervous right before bed. Time to quit for night. Tell you outcome tomorrow.


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