Take me out to the ballgame

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North America » United States » Georgia » Athens
August 14th 2009
Published: September 8th 2009
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Baseball with Stephen, Patrick and Joe in Atlanta. Saw the Atlanta Braves lose to Philadelphia in an exciting live game. The mighty Wurlitzer playing Inspector Gadget between balls, crowd chants, odd arm movements to symbolize a tomahawk for the Braves, home runs, double-plays, bunts and fireworks. Good atmosphere, but the crowd was eternally restless for more $7 beers and boiled peanuts. More composing. Meeting more people. Having a surprising number of conversations about the possible US national health system, and how the NHS is being used by both sides in the political debate - criticized and praised. Icecream sandwiches and rootbeer. A walk through the small Athens zoo. Owls, eagles, deer, a turkey, catfish, crocs, turtles. No bears, armadillos or wild cats - sleeping, unwell or just disappeared.


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