One day... Oh boy.

Published: May 27th 2011
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 Video Playlist:

1: Packing! 31 secs
Steak and CornSteak and CornSteak and Corn

The Last American Dinner and a month (except for the sloppy joes I will make the family at some point!)
Well... Less than 24 hours to go until I am leaving on this crazy expedition. My flight leaves at 9:40 A.M. from DIA, and because it is an International flight, I have to be there at 7:40 A.M.- or I will not be going. That would be a bummer. And my blog would probably end, because it would be extremely lame writing about the things I would hypothetically be doing when I am there.

I don't know if it has really hit me that I am going to be away from home for a whole month... in a place I've never been... getting there alone... not knowing the language... and where I might be presented with a situation like the movie "Taken". But let's hope it doesn't get to that level. If it does, my dad is like Liam Neesen, and will kick the crap out of everyone to come find me. So I'll be ok. I will miss going to Buffalo Wild Wings trivia though... but those guys can hold their own. If any of you are reading this, kick that awkward "Me, Myself, and I" guy's butt!

And I guess I'll miss my family. And friends. But....
My new haircutMy new haircutMy new haircut

Less Punk-ish? I think so. But I definitely do not look as much like a punk as Shoopie did when she had colored strands in her hair during swim season.
that's expected.

So I'm sitting here writing this after getting a fresh haircut by mi madre. I don't want to look like a punk American while I'm there. My hair is still long, but less punkish. I don't know why my haircut picture isn't showing up when I look at my blog entry, but if you click on it, it will take you to a page where you can see it!

Oh! And I did get my packing done by the way. I am taking plenty of dress clothes, a few Hawaiian shirts and many "Life is Good" shirts. Kim says that everyone there is probably excited to see how an "American boy" dresses, so I guess I won't be tacky and attempt to dress like an Italian. I have made a neat little video showing my packing process if you are interested. I think it's a pretty cool video. I have attached it for your viewing pleasure, but sorry if I get the B-52's stuck in your head for the rest of the day.

By the way, I did get my gifts for the family. For the parents and Paolo, I got a couple boxes of chocolates from "Donell's Candies"--proudly made in my birthtown, Casper, WY. For the family as a whole, I am bringing the book "Cowboy Ethics" by James P. Owen--which is a book describing what is known as "The Code of the West"--a set of rules to live by. The Code of the West has officially been adopted by Wyoming as it's code (making Wyoming the first state to have a State Code). Also, for Paolo's sister Claudia (I think is what her name is), my sister suggested I buy a "Paramore" CD. Apparently it's pretty popular here (I don't like much modern music so I didn't know) but isn't in Europe, so hopefully she doesn't despise it. And even if she does, I can just blame it on Brianna and Claudia and I would have something to complain about with each other.

Alright well I have to go, it's time to eat dinner. So let it be known, my last dinner before I leave tomorrow: steak and corn. Bon Appetite! (It's French, but who cares.)


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