The rock and the bridge

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September 12th 2009
Published: September 12th 2009
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Alcatraz - August, 8

We were in luck. The day we had picked to return to San Fran was as clear and sunny as the locals can ever experience so we stopped off at the Golden Gate bridge on the way to the Alcatraz ferry to get a good look from both ends. It really is a spectacular structure but it’s hard to get a good photo with the crowds all doing the same. We eventually found our spot half way up a mountain on the far side of the bridge and off to Alcatraz we went. It’s a bit hard to say what it was like. I came away from it knowing I’d really enjoyed it but I can’t put my finger on why. Perhaps it was the interesting audio tour that guides you through the buildings, or the tales of failed escape attempts made into films or maybe it’s the reputation the place has got but whatever it was I was glad we’d come back to do it.

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