Prepping for Costa Rica

Published: March 9th 2015
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For the past several months I have been googling everything I possibly can for Costa Rica. I've had friends from Australia tell me the warning signs from their embassy's page, where I then check the State Departments page about Costa Rica and they have no warnings at all. It has me pondering if our Government isn't missing something or if Australia is being overly sensitive. Hmmmm.

My friends are mixed about me traveling alone to a Central America Country. After all I am a white single female and even I agree I am or would be a walking target for down there. Luckily Costa Rica is a heavy tourist vacation spot with a lot of American's living down there. I even found out that former CIA Agents retire down there, so it can't be all bad. I remind everyone that I grew up on the streets, I'm not stupid when it comes to petty crime and know what to stay away from. Plus Kristen loves to remind me that I have resting bitch face sometimes LOL.

Besides safety, I've had a difficult time deciding what I want to do down there. I know for a fact white water rafting, but then what? A part of me just wants to go there and see what I feel like, however the planner inside of me hates that idea. It's screaming and jumping up and down for me to plan to the very minute of this trip like I did in Ireland. Somehow I need to find a balance between these two sides of my personality. I need to remind myself this is a trip to relax, not to stress me out with a plan to the minute plan. Breathe, just breathe!

I know one thing, whatever happens on this trip it will be an adventure. I'm not quite sure what kind, but if I leave my mind open and the monkey poo off my head I sense its going to be a remarkable one. The only warning I need to take heed is Jackie's advice about not getting eaten by Crocodiles. I'm pretty sure in their eyes I'm an appetizer and not a meal. Hell with my Crohn's, I hope I would be the Taco Bell of Crocodile food, LOL. AKA give them Crocodile diarrhea. Yes I totally went there 😊

UGH now I have laundry and packing to do and to figure out what size luggage I should bring :/


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