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October 6th 2005
Published: October 20th 2005
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We'd had enough of National Parks by now so we decided to head for the coast at Monterey a few hours drive south of San Francisco. This was probably the nicest town/city we visited in the US. We camped for three nights at the town's campsite up the hill 45 mins walk from the Marina.

Sara- We explored the small seaside resort and the highlight was the Monterey Aquarium. All the critters were mainly local and they had a thing for jelly fish (although we're not entirely sure that most of the 'tanks' weren't just monitors with groovy screensavers).

We got down with the kids and watched feeding time at penguin central and otter island. However our favourite interactive activity was stroking the Bat Rays who seemed to like it. (Although later in the cafe my snack had a slightly fishy flavour).

We cycled along the promenade of Monterey and saw more wildlife including pelicans and sea lions. The Sea Lions lie around on rocks in the sun all day making loads of noise and smelling. They were so loud on some nights we could hear them in our tent.

We then headed north.


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