LA Airport

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North America » United States » California » Los Angeles
December 15th 2012
Published: December 15th 2012
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Very bumpy flight, managed to get some sleep though.

Going through security at LA they had to do a bag search after it went through xray. Then they had to do a swipe on the home made fudge that I had in my hand luggage. All ok though so you will still have your sugar rush at work on Monday!

This after I said yes to an awful questions on immigration form; in fact almost all answers were yes!

Do you have;


Plant products

Animal products

Have you been on a farm?

Have you touched livestock?

Yes to them all!


Tot: 0.176s; Tpl: 0.009s; cc: 11; qc: 48; dbt: 0.07s; 1; m:domysql w:travelblog (; sld: 1; ; mem: 1.1mb