arrived in LA

Published: April 11th 2007
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I arrived in Los Angeles around noon and my friend Owen picked me up at the airport. We went to his apartment which he shares with my good friend Courtenay. I took a nap, fiddled aound on the computer and then we picked Courtenay up from work and headed to a party in Orange County. All the girls were blonde and talked about how they wanted plastic surgery - which was funny because I learned where the stereotype comes from! But everyone was really friendly and nice. Just got home around 3 a.m. and looking forward to going to sleep, but finding it difficult with my imposing journey ahead of me. HOLY SHIT. I'm going to Thailand!!!!


15th April 2007

Hey congrats on school, what an exciting year! Have fun and stay safe, love Fid
16th April 2007

See right there sounds like fun enough! I went to LA once but didn't get to spend much time there. I would go back. When to you head to Thailand???

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