Take me out to the ball game...

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August 13th 2005
Published: August 22nd 2005
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The Arctic Lemon CakeThe Arctic Lemon CakeThe Arctic Lemon Cake

A fantastic cake by Sonje. Great stuff!
Hi there all.

Well, have arrived "Up Over". Am currently at the tail end of 30 hours of sleep deprivation. It's evening here in LA...7:15pm and it's still bright! Joy of summer.

Had a good time before I left. Many emails and an awesome Arctic Lemon cake by my boss, complete with animals and marshmallows for icebergs went down a treat. Also had lunch with family and friends which was great. Had a huge list of chores to get done before I went and got most of them done.

Was up at 4am on Saturday to catch the flight to Sydney. After quickly procuring a copy of the latest Harry Potter novel, we boarded the flight to LA. It was very bumpy for sometime. I didn't get any sleep seeing I just kept getting disturbed by people walking by, and having a woman's bum in my face whilst she was standing up performing anti-DVT type exercises.

We landed early morning and went to a camera store to pick up some new camera gear. Nice new toys acquired for the trip. After that we discovered that LA taxi drivers are actually worse than Melbourne taxi drivers (a hard
Dodgers v. MetsDodgers v. MetsDodgers v. Mets

Who's on first...
feat, but achieved successfully). Our first taxi to our hotel did not have any taxi signage whatsoever, no meter and the driver could not speak English. Thankfully I remembered the Spanish names for 1-10 from Sesame Street songs! (Emma: Another plus for Sesame Street)

We then went and caught a game of baseball and watched LA Dodgers versus the NY Mets. I was barracking for the Dodgers, and I am proud to say that my perfect record of barracking for the losing side when paying good money to watch live sports remained intact. Mets 5 - Dodgers 1.

We then had to wait for over an hour for a cab to take us back to Pasadena. LA is truly the city of owning your own car, as taxis are very few and far between. And again, we had to give directions to someone who spoke broken English to place where we hardly the location of ourselves.

So all's well so far. Off to Pasadena Tabernacle Salvation Army tomorrow...but first, sleep!

A note for future reference...I am unsure as to how often I'll be able to put photos up here, so they may lag the written sequence of events.

Until later,


Further note: Have now been able to add photos! Ballgame photos below...


13th August 2005

After Katie read ya update, she noted that an LA taxi driver told her that for every driver, there's 3 registered cars, backing up your claim. This is why it's so damn smoggy. Go Yanks, go! @:-D Spanish to aid you in your journey: Mi nombre es Matthew - My name is Matthew Soy de Australia - I'm from Australia Eres una persona muy lindo - You are a very beautiful person Abrazo yo - Hug me Hacia fuera le pasan - He's passed out Me han asaltado - I've been mugged Puede usted tomar éstos si usted está amamantando? - Can you take these if you're breast feeding?
14th August 2005

Three way wooden spoon
The Hawks and Collingwood on 20 and Carlton on 18, 2 games to go. Hawks will play Swans last and will get thumped they have to win this week to avoid the wooden spoon.
15th August 2005

Please stop making up names :stop: Tabernacle? :stop: Please! :stop: Bloody Americans and their out dated communications systems :stop:
16th August 2005

cake... hmm...
I particularly like the interesting icecubes on the sides of the cake shaped like bottle openers... very creative... Please send me a tall, dark handsome Alaskan (man, if they've got them). Wouldn't mind if he could speak at least two languages, was house trained and could be happy to be placed in a cupboard when not needed. Thanx!

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